2022 Sunset Rollercoaster “Infinity Sunset” Europe Tour


Hi friends in Europe, it's been a while, hope you are well! We are finally coming back this fall. Tickets for Sunset Rollercoaster "Infinity Sunset" Europe Tour, with support from our friend @9m88 , go on sale on April 1st, 11am CET. See you on the road!

SEP 8th, Barcelona 巴塞隆納

SEP 9th, Madrid 馬德里

SEP 11th, Lisbon 里斯本

SEP 12th, Porto 波多

SEP 14th, Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹

SEP 15th, Brussels 布魯塞爾

SEP 17th, Paris 巴黎

SEP 18th, London 倫敦

SEP 20th, Sheffield 雪菲爾

SEP 21st, Manchester 曼徹斯特

SEP 22nd, Leeds 里茲

SEP 23rd, Glasgow 格拉斯哥

SEP 25th, Bristol 布里斯托爾

SEP 26th, Brighton 布萊頓

SEP 27th, London 倫敦

#sunsetrollercoaster #infinitysunset

Sunset Rollercoaster